Our plantation, located in Mozambique, consists of roughly 38 000 trees. Our plantation is nurtured by well-trained employees with a great passion to produce the best quality Moringa. Our Moringa grows in Sandy Loam soil, free from chemicals & pesticides, we only add guano organic fertilizer. With the help of natural elements such as sun & rain, the Moringa will grown to optimum size. Once the Moringa has reached this point, we harvest them by hand and let them dry. When ready, our Moringa is shipped to Gauteng where all the products are packaged and distributed.

What is in Moringa?
Moringa has medicinal properties and contains many healthful compounds such as:
- vitamin A
- vitamin B1 (thiamine)
- B2 (riboflavin)
- B3 (niacin), B-6
- folate and ascorbic
- acid (vitamin C)
- calcium
- potassium
- iron
- magnesium
- phosphorus
- zinc
- It is also extremely low in fats and contains no harmful
Fast Facts on Moringa:
✓ The tree is native to India but also grows in Asia, Africa, and South America.
✓ Moringa contains a variety of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
✓ Moringa oleifera has few known side effects.
✓ People taking medication should consult a doctor before taking moringa extract.
What are the Health Benefits?
Moringa is believed to have many benefits and its uses range from health and beauty to helping prevent and cure diseases. The benefits of moringa include:
✓ Strengthens the immune system
✓ Fighting against bacterial diseases
✓ Making bones healthier
✓ Anti-inflammatory properties
✓ Treating stomach complaints
✓ Helping wounds to heal
✓ Treating diabetes
✓ Treating asthma
✓ Reducing high blood pressure
✓ Improving eye health
✓ Has anti cholesterol properties
✓ Increases energy and endurance
✓ Improves digestion
✓ Eliminates constipation
✓ Protecting against kidney disorders
✓ Detoxify the body from waste products
✓ Helps in case depression, anxiety &
✓ Treating anemia and sickle cell disease
✓ Protecting the cardiovascular system
✓ Treating edema
✓ Protecting the liver
✓ Preventing and treating cancer
✓ Protecting & nourishing skin and hair
✓ Treating mood disorders
✓ Similarly cures skin infections & sores
✓ Also reduces wrinkles
✓ Stimulates hair growth
✓ Helps to suppress appetite
✓ Used as aphrodisiac, promotor of libido
✓ Has antioxidant properties
Side Effects:
Although Moringa may have very few reported side effects, a healthcare professional should be consulted before it is taken.Anyone considering using moringa is advised to discuss it with a doctor first.
Moringa may possess anti-fertility qualities and is therefore not recommended for pregnant women.
There have been very few side effects reported.
People should always read the label on the extract and follow dosage instructions.
Some of the medications to be particularly aware of are:
- Levothyroxine: Used to combat thyroid problems. Compounds in the moringa leaf may aid the thyroid function, but people should not take it in combination with other thyroid medication
- Any medications that might be broken down by the liver: Moringa extract may decrease how quickly this happens, which could lead to various side effects or complications.
- Diabetes medications: Diabetes medications are used to lower blood sugar, which moringa also does effectively. It is vital to ensure blood sugar levels do not get too low.
- High blood pressure medication: Moringa has shown to be effective at lowering blood pressure. Taking moringa alongside other drugs that lower blood pressure may result in it becoming too low.